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The following sections describe the JanusGraph development process.

Development Decisions

Many development decisions will be made during the day-to-day work of JanusGraph contributors without any extra process overhead. However, for larger bodies of work and significant updates and additions, the following process shall be followed. Significant work may include, but is not limited to:

  • A major new feature or subproject, e.g., a new storage adapter

  • Incrementing the version of a core dependency such as a Apache TinkerPop

  • Addition or deprecation of a public API

  • Internal shared data structure or API change

  • Addition of a new major dependency

For these sorts of changes, contributors will:

  • Create one or more issues in the GitHub issue tracker

  • Start a DISCUSS thread on the janusgraph-dev list where the proposed change may be discussed by committers and other community members

  • When the proposer feels it appropriate, a VOTE shall be called

  • Two +1 votes are required for the change to be accepted


For features that involve only one developer, developers will work in their own JanusGraph forks, managing their own branches, and submitting pull requests when ready. If multiple developers wish to collaborate on a feature, they may request that a feature branch be created in JanusGraph repository. If the developers are not committers, a JanusGraph committer will be assigned as the shepherd for that branch. The shepherd will be responsible for merging pull requests to that branch.

Branch Naming Conventions

All branch names hosted in the JanusGraph repository shall be prepended with Issue_#_.

Pull Requests

Users wishing to contribute to JanusGraph should fork the JanusGraph repository and then submit pull requests using the GitHub pull request process. Every pull request must be associated with an existing issue. Be sure to include the relevant issue number in the title of your pull request, complete the pull request template checklist, and provide a description of what test suites were run to validate the pull request. Pull requests commit messages should clearly describe what work was accomplished. Intermediate work-in-progress commits should be squashed prior to pull request submittal.

Review-Then-Commit (RTC)

Pull requests must be reviewed before being merged following a review-then-commit (RTC) process. The JanusGraph project uses the GitHub review process to review pull requests. Non-committers are welcomed and encouraged to review pull requests. Their review will be non-binding, but can be taken into consideration and are still very valuable community input. The following rules apply to the voting process.

  • Approval flows

    • 2 committer approvals are required to merge a pull request

    • If a committer submits the pull request, it has their implicit approval so it requires 1 additional committer approval

    • 1 committer approval followed a one week review period for objections at which point a lazy consensus is assumed

  • One or more -1 votes within a change request will veto the pull request until the noted issue(s) are addressed and the -1 vote is withdrawn

  • Change requests will not be considered valid without an explanation

Commit-Then-Review (CTR)

In instances where the committer deems the full RTC process unnecessary, a commit-then-review (CTR) process may be employed. The purpose of invoking CTR is to reduce the burden on the committers and minimize the turnaround time for merging trivial changes. Changes of this sort may include:

  • Documentation typo or small documentation addition

  • Addition of a new test case

  • Merging approved fixes into an upstream branch

Any commit that is made following CTR shall include the fact that it is a CTR in the commit comments. Community members who wish to review CTRs may subscribe to the JanusGraph commits list so that they will see CTRs as they come through. If another committer responds with a -1, the commit should be rolled back and the formal RTC process should be followed.

Merging of Pull Requests

A pull request is ready to be merged when it has been approved (see Review-Then-Commit (RTC)). It can either be merged manually with git commands or through the GitHub UI with the Merge pull request button. If the pull request targets a release branch that is upstream of other release branches (e.g., 0.2 is upstream of master), then it is important to make sure that the change also lands in the downstream release branches. This is the responsibility of the committer who merges the pull request. Therefore, merge the pull request first into its target branch and then merge that branch (e.g., 0.2) into the next downstream branch (e.g., 0.3), and so on until you merge the last release branch into master. Afterwards push all release branches, ideally with an atomic commit:

git push --atomic origin master 0.3 0.2

This approach keeps merge conflicts to a minimum when a release branch is merged into a downstream release branch.

Release Policy

Any JanusGraph committer may propose a release. To propose a release, simple start a new RELEASE thread on janusgraph-dev proposing the new release and requesting feedback on what should be included in the release. After consensus is reached the release manager will perform the following tasks:

  • Create a release branch so that work may continue on master

  • Prepare the release artifacts

  • Call a vote to approve the release on janusgraph-dev

  • Committers will be given 72 hours to review and vote on the release artifacts

  • Three +1 votes are required for a release to be approved

  • One or more -1 votes with explanation will veto the release until the noted issues are addressed and the -1 votes are withdrawn